Back to School Note from Dr. Hannah

Hello Fellow Parents!

As a mom of three, I know how busy the beginning of school can be. It's a rush to get everything on the shopping list, make sure all the forms are signed and ease the anxiety of the first big day! However, as the world is seemingly going a million miles a minute, I want to make sure that my patients have all they need to assure that their children are truly prepared for the school year, and that means making sure their vision is the best it can be.

Did you know that vision issues in children often begin before they have the skills to communicate them, and left untreated, they can severely impact the child's school work, ability to play sports and their further development?

Vision screenings done by your child's pediatrician or by a school nurse are not a substitution for eye exams by a licensed eye doctor like myself.

I hope you'll call us today to schedule an appointment for you and the family to make sure everyone can put their best foot (and eyes) forward! And, just in case you can't get it all done in the week - we're open on Sundays!

Also, don't forget that if you have a new born (6 months to 1 year-old), be sure to also ask about the no-cost InfantSEE® public health program I’m involved in from The AOA Foundation.

Dr. Hannah Yecheskel

P.S. Before you come! Check out our Kidzone designed to prepare your child for a fun visit!

Kendra Rubinfeld