What Do LASIK and Vampires Have in Common? (Guest blog by Dr. Roy Rubinfeld, LASIK Surgeon)
Guest Blog by Dr. Roy Rubinfeld, leading LASIK surgeon, Re:Vision - Roy Rubinfeld
Dr. Rubinfeld (center) and his Re:Vision team.
Dr. Hannah Yecheskel used to work with Dr. Rubinfeld and frequently refers potential laser vison correction patients his way. His practice is located a few blocks away from All Eyes On Rockville, on Rockville Pike (as well as in Fairfax, VA). Read more about LASIK, Laser Vision Correction and Dr. Rubinfeld and his team.
Like vampires, some myths about laser vision correction and LASIK just won’t die. Decades after scientific studies have disproven them, they come back to life over and over. Take this quiz to find any myths about laser vision correction you might still believe.
My name is Dr. Roy Rubinfeld and I was the first surgeon to become involved inlaser vision correction in the Washington, DC area. Over the years, I have treated thousands of patients and traveled the world lecturing on the subject of laser vision correction. Despite decades of scientific studies, I still hear myths about LASIK that I fear keep people from possibly achieving visual freedom.
I encourage everyone to take this test and see what myths may be holding them back from something that could change their life for the better.
Here are the quiz questions and answers listed below, but click the link to take the interactive lasik quiz through Playbuzz. Then share your results with your friends on social media!
1. Contact lenses are safer than LASIK
2. Contacts are less expensive than LASIK
3. After LASIK, glare and halos often cause poor night vision
4. LASIK can’t correct astigmatism.
5. Eye doctors don’t have LASIK on their own eyes.
6. People with large pupils or thin corneas can’t safely have LASIK
7. You can’t have LASIK if you serve in the military or law enforcement.
8. LASIK is still new so we don’t know its long-term results.
9. LASIK often causes dry eye problems
10. LASIK makes you need reading glasses sooner.
11. LASIK surgeons are all the same so it is best to find the best "deal".
12. LASIK consults are expensive and take a long time to hear back about results.
First reported in 2006 and confirmed many times wearing contact lenses long term has been found to have a higher risk of loss of vision than having advanced LASIK by an expert surgeon. In a 2016 study, compared to long-term contact lenses, advanced LASIK was three times better in terms of eye comfort and better than 20/20 vision, with no long-term differences in glare, halos, starbursts or dry eye symptoms.
For a 29 year old, the expected lifetime cost of disposable contact lenses is $29,200. With the cost of backup glasses, the lifetime cost can be higher. LASIK vision correction is a fraction of this cost.
The results of a very large joint research study involving the FDA, Department of Defense and the National Eye Institute showed that symptoms such as ghosting, glare, halos, and starburst did not increase after LASIK. In fact, patients with ghosting actually decreased from 33% before surgery to 6% after surgery.
Astigmatism has been very successfully treated with the excimer laser since it was approved by the FDA in 1997. Even high astigmatism (6 diopters) can be well treated and is FDA-approved.
Eye doctors who specialize in performing laser vision correction are four more times likely to have their own vision corrected than the general public. Doctors who had laser vision correction described better quality of life with 39% reporting their ability to perform medical procedures accurately had improved compared with their glasses or contact lenses.
Many studies have shown this myth about pupil size “is not supported by modern studies” as per the American Academy of Ophthalmology. As well, several studies have shown that most people with thinner corneas can now safely have vision correction.
Well over a decade ago, the US military approved LASIK for active duty combat personnel. In fact, Dr. Rubinfeld has performed laser vision correction on many members of our armed forces including F-16 jet fighter pilots and Navy SEALS.
The US FDA approved excimer laser in 1996. Over 20 years of study and experience have shown laser vision correction to be among the most commonly performed and most well studied elective procedures in the world. Dr. Rubinfeld had his laser vision correction in 1995 and performed LASIK on his wife in 1998; they both see well and are still married.
Recent research suggests that contact lens wear may cause chronic dry eye problems and that, with expert patient selection, many patients have fewer dry eye symptoms after expert LASIK than they had with their contact lenses.
As people with excellent distance vision enter their 40s, they start to naturally need reading glasses. LASIK does not cause this natural aging process to occur faster. There are often good options to reduce the need for reading glasses into your 40s and beyond.
All LASIK surgeons are not the same. If you were considering brain or heart surgery, would you be looking for the “best deal”? Your vision is precious so it’s essential to find the best expertise and a surgeon you can trust. Dr. Rubinfeld is a leading LASIK surgeon who, according to ABC7/WJLA has "performed thousands of procedures including repairs from other doctors."
At Re:Vision - Roy Rubinfeld, MD, LASIK consults are free and can take as little as 45 minutes for the visit and to hear if you are a candidate from the surgeon himself.
1. http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/news/20061010/lasik-surgery-safer-than-contacts
2. http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/health/services/casey-eye/clinical-services/laser-vision-correction/lasikvscontacts.cfm
3. http://www.healio.com/ophthalmology/refractive-surgery/news/online/%7B5152aaed-c91c-4322-bccc-0865ba689b1d%7D/study-gives-advantage-to-lasik-over-long-term-contact-lens-wear-with-regard-to-ocular-discomfort
4. http://www.backinfocus.com/lasik-eye-procedure-cost.html
5. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/SurgeryandLifeSupport/LASIK/UCM421193.pdf
6. http://www.jcrsjournal.org/article/S0886-3350%2815%2901102-5/abstract
7. http://eyewiki.aao.org/Pupil_measurements_prior_to_refractive_surgery
8. http://www.eyeworld.org/article-don-t-exclude-thin-cornea-patients-from-lasik-for-fear-of-ectasia
9. http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19167077