

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

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What is Ortho-K

Also known as, “corneal refractive therapy.”  Ortho-K is a process that uses specially designed gas permeable contact lenses to temporarily reshape the contour of the cornea to reduce myopia (nearsightedness). It is a safe and effective treatment designed to slow progressive myopia.  

Ortho-K is an innovative, non-surgical treatment option that reshapes the cornea and temporarily modifies or eliminates myopia and low amounts of astigmatism.  It works by gently flattening the cornea of the eye with the use of a custom-made retainer lens that is worn while sleeping.  The lens is removed during waking hours.  The cornea retains it’s shape, giving clear and comfortable vision throughout the day.


Ortho-K was first introduced by renowned optometrist, George Jessen, in 1962. Poor technology and a lack of understanding of the criteria needed to successfully and predictably correct vision hindered its initial success. Throughout the years, there have been significant strides in technology.

The invention of more breathable rigid gas permeable contact lenses allows for improved oxygen permeability. This breathability enables people to sleep with approved contact lenses under safer conditions. There also have been improvements in the technology of measuring corneal shape. The increase in precision from a technological standpoint has turned ortho-K into a safe, reliable and viable option for myopia correction and control.

Who is a Candidate?

Mild to moderate myopia (-0.50 to -5.00)

Children from 8 to 18 years of age, to reduce the progression of myopia

Adults interested in a non-surgical alternative to LASIK

Active individuals or those with occupational demands not suited for standard daily wear contact lenses

People who find dryness an issue with their standard daily wear contact lenses.

Studies on Ortho-K

1.  ROMIO Study

2.  NCBI Study on Corneal Health

3.  NCBI Study on Ortho-K Effectiveness

Annual comprehensive eye examinations by a licensed eye doctor are a crucial part of maintaining your visual and ocular health. Routine eye examinations should begin between 6 to 12 months of age and continue throughout your lifetime. Your doctor can detect visual disorders, eye diseases and general health problems before you are aware a problem exists. Maintaining good eye health is part of maintaining your overall health and optimizing your quality of life.